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Top 5 Food High In Protein

Top 5 Food High In protein 


If you go to the gym or you just want to build some muscle , getting stronger , you probaply search for high protein food to reach your goal of protein consumtion .
In average normal people need between 0.7g to 1g of protein per 1kg of body weight (0.5-0.8g per pound ) and for athelete's and people who go to the gym or trying to build muscle you need about 1.5 to 2 of protein per 1kg of body weight (0.7-1.5 per pound ) , peolpe who do sport's or go to the gym they break muscle tissue during the workout , so they need to recover the muscle break down , and to recover you need protein and that's why athletes need more protein than average peolpe beacause of the muscle break down .

1-Lean Chicken Breast :

-Chicken breast contain about 30g of protein per 100g  , it one of the highest food in protein that's why you see a lot of chicken breast in bodybuilders diet because of the high amount of protien .

2-Lean Ground Beef :

-Lean ground beef contain about 26g of protein per 100g , lean beef is always in bodybuilders and athletes diet for the high amount of protein , bodybuilders in the 60's and 70's they used lean ground beef as the n1 sorce of protein in there diet .

3-Tuna :

- with 29g of protein per 100g you can tell that tuna is one of the highest food in protein , tuna has been used in many recipes and salads 

4-Lean pork chops :

-you get about 31g of protein per 100g wich is a lot of protein , if you like pork chops you can get high amount of protein from it .

5-Peanuts :

-You probaply didn't expact peanuts in the list , actually peanuts contain 26g of protein per 100g , it's also contain high amount of calories about 500c , (if you want to gain weight peanuts is very good option ) 

-Pros and cons of high protein diet :


Eating a diet that includes plenty of lean protein provides several benefits when you're trying to lose weight:4
  • Protein helps you to feel full. Including protein in your meals and snacks can help you to feel full and satisfied after you're done eating. This feeling of fullness may help you to eat less throughout the day.
  • Protein builds muscle. Protein helps you build and maintain muscle mass. A strong body not only performs better throughout daily activities, but the muscles that shape an attractive figure also burn more calories than fat, even at rest.
  • Eating protein may improve your diet. When you plan a meal around a lean source of protein, you have less space on your plate for foods that aren't healthy. And learning to eat different types of protein may improve your diet as well. If you eat tuna, for example, you not only benefit from the protein in the fish but you also benefit from the healthy fat it provides.
  • Eating protein burns more calories. You burn a few extra calories when you eat protein because your body has to work harder to chew and digest the food. Scientists call this the "thermic effect of food." Keep in mind, however, that the number of extra calories is small so you shouldn't create an entire weight loss program based solely on this benefit. 
A high-protein diet may be an effective strategy for losing weight, this type of plan often cuts out other important food groups, such as fruits and grains, and does not provide a well-rounded diet.


While high-protein diets may have many benefits, there are some potential drawbacks.5 
  • Nutritional deficiencies. Some high-protein diets severely restrict carbohydrates and can result in nutritional deficiencies and a lack of fiber, which can lead to constipation. In addition, a high-protein diet can lead to bad breath. 
  • Increased heart-disease risk. Some versions of high-protein diets also advocate for eating high-fat foods, such as fatty cuts of beef and full-fat dairy. A diet high in saturated fats can increase your risk of heart disease. 
  • Worsening kidney function. People with kidney disease should not follow a high protein diet without speaking to their doctor. Excess protein is excreted through the kidneys, which may worsen kidney function. 
  • May increase blood sugar. The body converts excess protein to glucose to be used for energy. People with diabetes may find a high-protein diet can raise their blood sugar levels. In addition, diabetics who use insulin may have difficulty managing blood glucose as protein causes delayed blood sugar spikes
  • Note's:
  • -Consuming a lot of meat product's have been proven to be risky and harm for the general health , eating red meat can increace the risk of getting cancer by 18% , thats mean you should reduce your daily consumtion of meat , im not telling you to go vegan , but you should be carfull and read more about the subject.
  • -More high protein option :
  • -Plant's and grain's also have high amount of protein like beans all kind , lentille's, seeds ,wheat , ots , tufu ...ect they all contain high amount of protein , you should add them to your diet .
  • and you can read my blog on vegan high protein food here : https://mpump.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-5-best-vegan-high-protein-food.html

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