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5 Best Back Exercise / grow a big back


-Back one of the most impressive muscles on human body especially for man , and almost every man want to have a nice build wide strong back , and even for women it's necessary to train your back and have a strong back ( don't worry you will not have a wide back like man if you train it except if you inject testosterone lol ) a strong back will improve your posture , free back pain , help you in daily life taskes , you can read this post on the  benifts having a strong back muscles https://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-you/fitness/5-reasons-to-strengthen-your-core/
and if you want to grow strong wide back , you are probably wondering what's the best exercise's for growing a strong and that's what i will share with you in this post , i will sahre with you the 5 best exercise's that have been proven to work and halped me personally to grow my back , so lets start :)

-First exercise :

pull ups 

-The basic and the king of back exercise , if you are not doing pull ups you are wasting a lot of growth , pull ups activate most of your back muscles and arms too , it's a compound movement , if you want that wide back you should do pull ups , it will make your lats pop out wich will give you the wide back , and i know a lot of people struggle in pull ups , if you are struggling with pull up ,start with negative pull ups or you can us a resistance band to help you , when you get your first pull up start increasing the reps over the time , and when you get really storng at pull ups you can start doing weighted pull ups .
Hack : weighted pull ups will make your back explode , it's really amazing exercise when you start doing it you will the growth on your back , the upper back and the lats will  blows out and your strength will go up too . 
-so go to the pull up bar and start doing your pull ups now ;).

-Exercise N 2 :

The Deadlift

-The Deadlift , king of all the exercise's , deadlift activate a lot of muscle's (back , legs , gluts ,arms , traps ) , actually it's my all time favorite exercise and when you get strong at it you just feel superhuman haha , and the deadlift work one of the most important muscle in the human body , the lower back .
Lower back is in the center in the human body and the real strenght come from it , a strong human have a strong lower back , and the deadlift is one of the greatest exercise for devloping and strengthen the lower back and the hole back too , so if you want to take your strength and back to next level you should deadlift , but you need to be careful , it can be dangerous and injure your self from it , don't pickup too heavyweight , start with a weight you can control and learn the right technique .

-Exercise N 3:

Barbell row

-Barbell row : extremely good exercise for back devlopment works the hole back especially the upper back and also target arms  , to have a good back you need to have the width and thickness , barbell row is more for adding the thickness in your back muscle's while the pull up is more for the width , pickup a weight that you can control and be carful don't pick too heavy weight this exercise can be stressful on your lower back ( lumbar vertebrae) 

-Exercise N 4:

Dumbbell row 

The dumbbell row exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the upper back, lats, rear deltoids, forearms, biceps, and even the core. For an upper body exercise, the dumbbell row has almost countless benefits for nearly all strength, athletic 
Everybody has some asymmetry so it is an important part of a good strength training program to balance strength between all planes of the body. By working one side at a time, you are guaranteed to know how much that particular side can lift, without ever wondering if your body is compensating.

-Exercise N 5 : 


-Shrugs they target traps and trapezius and shoulders too , but we focus on the traps and trapezius because they are a part of the back , trapezius are down from the trapz in the middle of the upper back thats mean they are important muscle for the upper back devlopment , and shrugs are good for avoiding neck pain and many benifts.

-conclusion :

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the aesthetic benefits of having toned back muscles. Both men and women have an improved appearance (and signals of ability) by strengthening the muscles.and having a strong back it's extremely important for health and appearance.and the 5 best exercise for back are : 1 pull up  2 deadlift  3 barbbell row  4 dumbbell row  5 shrugs 

don't forget to left a comment about the post and  Stay tuned my glorious readers !!

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  2. Anonymous13:01

    Did you know that there’s a host of back and spine-related issues that are more prevalent in women than men? This includes lower back pain, a guide to back care exercises for women and more, and the risks can get higher as females get older, particularly at post-menopausal age.
