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How To Gain Weight Fast And Easy

How To Gain Weight Fast And Easy 

-A lot of peolpe are struggling with gaining weight or being underweight , skinny ...ect , and a lot of you are looking for gaining weight and how to gain weight .
-Gaining weight is easy maybe for some people is hard if day have a real medical condition wich i will point it out later , but in order to gain weight we need to know way you want to gain weight ,are you under weight , the causes of being under weight ...

Let's discuss way you want to gain weight and the causes of being underweight :

-Are you skinny ( too tin ) ?
-Just averge person but you want to put a littelbit more weight ?
-being underweight ?

I will talk littebit about the causes of being under weight :

1-You are eating too littel 
2-You have eating disorder 
3-Thyroid problems : Having an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) can boost metabolism and cause unhealthy weight loss
4-Having medical conditions like : diabetes , cancer , infections ..ect

Note's : If you’re underweight, you may want to see a doctor to rule out any serious medical conditions.

This is particularly important if you have recently started losing large amounts of weight without even trying

The health risk of being underweight :

-According to one study, being underweight was associated with a 140% greater risk of early death in men, and 100% in women
Another study found an increased risk of early death in underweight men, but not women, suggesting that being underweight may be worse for men Trusted Source
Being underweight can also impair your immune function, raise your risk of infections, lead to osteoporosis and fractures and cause fertility problems Trusted SourcTrusted Sourc7Trusted Source
What’s more, people who are underweight are much more likely to get sarcopenia (age-related muscle wasting) and may be at greater risk of dementia .

So how to gain weight :

-To gain weight you need to eat more than your body burns , you body burns X amount of calories to do his daily activities in order to gain weight you need to eat more than your body need of calories , so samply you just need to eat more if you are not gaining weight you need add more food , but you have to do it in a healthy way and not by eating junk food all day long so you end it up having diseases you don't want .

Let me show you how to do it ;

1-First of all make sure to eat healthy food and stay away from junk food , yes you can eat junks from time to time make sure to have a balnce in your diet .
2-Increase your meals per day , if you are eating 2 meals increase it to 3 or 4 , if you are eating 3 m increse it to 4 or 5 
i suggest to increase your meals volume by one 1 meal and track your weight if you are not gaining weight add another meal and so on .
3-Increase your meal volume , eat more thean you do usely per meal , and make sure to increase the meal volume slowly and track your weight , we don't want rapide inhealthy weight gain , we want it slowly and constantly , track your weight if you are gaining weight keep the meal volume as it is, if you stop gaining increase the meal volume slowly .
4-Use weight gainer supplemment's , Carbs supplemment , they are not the healthiest option because they have a lot of sugar , but they still an option if you can't add more food , make sure to not reliance on weight gainer's , food is your best friend .
5-Use high calorie shaker's or smoothies , smothies are delicious and you can use them for weight gain by adding high calorie food like nuts , you can watch on youtube there is a planty of recipe's of high calorie shaker's smoothie's.
6-Eat high calorie food , penuts have 500 calorie per 100 gr , penut butter , all kind of nuts , pasta , use this high calorie food it will help a lot .

-But what if i have eating disorder's :

-First if you have eating disorder's i suggest you to see a doctor .
-Try High calorie food , use high calorie shake's smoothies as i sad before .
-Use weight gain supplemment's and carb supplemment, it will give you high calories without the need of eating .
-Try to add food slowly slowly , and increase it each time , and with a help of a doctor .

-What if i have a medical condition :

-Go to see a doctor 
It's a must to see a doctor in this case , no one can give you solid advise more than a doctor .

-More Tips on gaining weight ;

-Eat high protien food .
-Go to the gym and build some muscle .
-Try to build some muscle it's a better weight than fat weight and healthier.
-If you hate the gym do home workout or go to the park and do some workout's.
-Eat healthy and less junk ,health is wealth .
-Make sure to get a good quality of sleeping , bad sleeping can cause weight loss.
-Drink more water .
-Don't smoke , and if you smoke weed it better to stop it or do it more less .
-Use creatine supplemment, it will help on muscle gain .

It can be very difficult for some people to gain weight.
That's because your body has a certain setpoint of weight where it feels comfortable.
Whether you try to go under your setpoint (lose weight) or over it (gain weight), your body resists changes by regulating your hunger levels and metabolic rate.
When you eat more calories and gain weight, you can expect your body to respond by reducing your appetite and boosting your metabolism.
This is largely mediated by your brain, as well as weight-regulating hormones like leptin.
So you should expect a certain level of difficulty. In some cases, you may need to force yourself to eat despite feeling stuffed.
At the end of the day, changing your weight is a marathon, not a sprint. It can take a long time, and you need to be consistent if you want to succeed in the long run.

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