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Top 6 Exercises To Gain Ridicules Strength

Top 6 Exercises To Gain Ridiclues Strength

-If you are new to my blog i welcome you first , and make sure to subscribe to my blog to get the notification for my new blogs and comment as well :) 

-let's get back to the subject , if you are going to the gym or you are an athelte and you are trying to get strong you should be preforming some exercise to help you acheive your goals of gaining strenght , it's just like trying to be flexible or runing fast or playing any sport you have to preforme certain exercises to help you doing it , and gaining strenght it's not that different ,yu also need to do certain exercises to help you gaining strenght and no matter if you are a bodybuilder or football player or just a normal guy who is in fitness and traying to gain strenght you should prefome the exercises that i will talk about in this blog so stay with me ;

-understanding strenght :

-What is strenght ?? where it come from ?? 
Strenght it's a subjective think and it can mesure by multiple ways and different ways , strenght it's that power you have to move to lift to preforme and there is differnet types of strength and i will break it down to you :

1Muscle strength :

muscle strenght it's power to move and lift and musch more and it's divided to multiple types too :
-Agile strength
-strength endurance
-explosive strength
-maximum strength
-relative strength
-speed strength
-starting strength
and you can read this blog for more information about this different types of strength : https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/professional/expert-articles/5495/7-different-types-of-strength-and-their-benefits

So after talking about some differnt type's of strenght we will jump to the exercises 

-Exercises for strenght building :

When you are training for strength it's important to pick up the right exercises and programming , but we will focus on exercises on this blog ,
Why you need to pick up the right exercises ??
If you are training for bodybuilding you do isolation exercises wich is good for stimulating some muscle's that it's hard to target them , but when it come to strenght you go with compound movement 
Why you should do compound movemnt ?? because you can lift more weight's with compounds , with compound movemnets you use more than one or two muscles and actully that how our body mechanical work it's design to use multiple muscle's at ones , with compound's you can increase the weight wich means increasing strength not likely with isolation movment it's hard to add more weight's .

let's go to the top 6 exercices for building strength ;

1-Fisrt of them all the deadlift :

-You can't miss this exercise if you are chasing strenght unless if you have injures , the deadlift work almost every muscle in your body and it's a time tasting exercise for building strenght muscle and athltecism , this exercise should be in your programme , but be carful when you preforme it and stay away from ego lifting it can be very dengerous and harm yourself , stay sayf , pickup a weight you can lift for reps and make sure to perfect the form so you don't undup harming yourself .

2-The Squat :

-The King of lower body exercises for building strenght and muscle , you can't go wrong with the squat , it's a must exercise in your programme , there is a planty blogs and videos about squat how to prefome it and the benifts of this exercise and it been a time testing exercise for the effectiveness and don't do the stupid half rep just to add weight , go all the way down and up a full range of motion and control the way to go , the squat should be prefoming by any sport it will build strength and muscle and athltecism .

3-the BenchPress :

-Bench Press the upper body strength exercises , if you go to the gym probably you have been asked how much you bench broo , we all have been asked this question , the bench press work the chest shoulders arms and some back too it's a great upper body exercises for building the strength ,stay away from ego lifting perfect the form and always do weight's you can control and use a spotter if you are not sure if you can lift the weight .

4-The OverHead Press :

-Overhead press probably the best upper body strength builder , you use your shoulders arms upper back and upper chest to prefome it ,Because being upright requires balance, you also recruit the muscles in your core, including your abdominals and lower back ,
and the is some benifts of the over head press :
  • strength and size of the shoulder muscles
  • strength and size of the triceps muscles
  • strength and size of the trapezius muscle
  • strength in the core muscles, such as your obliques, transverse abdominal muscles, lower back, and spinal stabilizers, when performing the exercise while standing
  • performance of other exercises, like the bench press

 5-Weighted Pullups :

-I'm a big fun of pull ups i like to do pull ups a lot , we all did pull ups even when we didn't hit the gym when we was kids in backyard trying to do pullup and at home trying to find that perfect  spot to do pull im sure we all did it , 
Pull ups aren't just for building wide back but also for strenght and it's great accessorie movement for your other lifts , if you can do more than 15 reps with your bodyweight add weights to your pull ups and you will see the strenght gains and muscle gains too you should add this great movment to your workouts .

6-Weighted Dips :

-Another great exercies and it work really well with the bench press i notice when i progress in the weighted dips my bench increase , Dips will target chest shouldres and triceps and doing it with weight's will strenghten them , i love this exercises , but be very carfull with it i did injure my soulders preforming this exercises so be very carful with the weight's you add .


-When you are trying to gain strength go with lower reps and less volume for the maximum results eat more carps and recover well you don't need a lot of volume to gain strenght actully you need less ,plus don't go crazy heavy it will lead you to injureis that you dont want.

Hope you find this blog informative and don't forget to subscribe and read previous blogs :)

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