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Top 5 Booty Exercises

                      Top 5 Booty Exercises

  • So ladies we know that all women dream of that nice round bubble booty it's make the body standout and jeans will look amazingly good , but the question is how can you get this nice round booty that you are dreaming of it ??!! 
 i will share with you the top 5 exercises for building the glutes muscles and shaping the booty  ;)

-you need to know that the booty it's the glutes muscle , and glutes are one of the most attractive muscles in both men and women and yes guy's out there women find a nice butt on men very attractive ;) -it's muscle's and muscle's grow when we train them and challenge them and the glutes they are just like any muscle in your body they grow when you train them so if you have flat butt , you can train it and grow the muscle there and get it bigger .

Your glutes are made up of three different muscles—the gluteus maximus (the largest muscle), the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus.The key to firm glutes is to hit all of these muscles from different angles and with a variety of exercises and cardio activities. You can't always change the shape of your glutes, but you can make them firmer and stronger with the right exercises.

so let's go to the top 5 booty exercises :


-you probably heard about squat a lot in tearm of building the legs , squat is an amazing exercise for building your legs and glutes if you are not doing this exercise you'r mising a lot in the table , it's the best exercise for building your lower body , try to get stronger on squat and lift more weight and you will see how your gluts will start growing , if you ask me what exercise you will choose if you only one exercise to build the booty and lower body in general i will difintely choose squat's .

2-Deadlift :

deadlift is awosome exercise , it's hit almost every muscle in your body and especially the lower body , it will build your glutes and lower back like nothing else , you use your glutes muscle's when you preform the deadlift and buy using the muscle that mean's growth, preforming the deadlift is a must if you want to grow that sexy booty .

3-Lunges :

Lunges are a favorite butt exercise. Because you're in a staggered stance, you really have to use your glutes to stabilize your body. That staggered stance also forces the glutes on the front of your legs to work even harder.Lunges also work a variety of other muscles including your hamstrings, quads, and calves.

4-Hip THrust :
This move is a fit-fluencer fave (even Chelsea Handler does it!) so you've probably seen it on your social feeds. But for the uninitiated, the hip thrust requires some kind of upper back support and usually includes weight-typically in the form of a barbell.
To do a hip thrust, start in a seated position with your knees and feet flat on the floor and with your shoulder blades against a bench (note: not your neck!). Add weight to your hip crease using a pad, if needed. Squeeze your glutes and core and lift hips up until your back is parallel to the floor, explains Gallucci. Hold for three seconds at the top, then lower back down to the start.

5-hip bridge :

You've probably done one of these before: Lie face-up on the floor, with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep arms at your sides with palms down. Lift hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes and core until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. Hold for three seconds at the top, then lower back down to start, explains Gallucci.
The glute bridge-which has tons variations, including the single-leg bridge to the banded bridge kick-can be loaded or unloaded. However, it's usually used as a body-weight activation exercise, as opposed to weighted

  • Benefits of training glutes :

1. Better posture

  • As a consequence of “sitting disease”, many of us suffer from poor posture. Tight, shortened hip flexors, weak, over-stretched hip extensors and glutes that ‘forget’ how to activate properly all contribute to the most commonly observed postural deviations: swayback and kyphosis-lordosis.
    What’s more, forward-tilting hips push the abdomen out, creating the illusion of a ‘gut’, even in the absence of excess belly fat.
    Try adding squats, lunges and dead lifts to your current strength training routine, making sure to adequately stretch out the opposing hip flexors to improve posture and reduce belly ‘pooch’. This is perhaps the quickest (and easiest) way to lose 5 pounds and appear an inch or two taller!

2. Pain reduction and injury prevention

  • Strong glutes support the lower back. When the glutes aren’t strong enough to perform their hip extension function, muscles that weren’t designed for the job will take over. Over time, these ‘helper’ muscles may become overstressed, resulting in pain and compression in the lumbar spine, hips and knees.
    Because the glutes are also hip stabilizers, weak gluteal muscles can result in poor alignment of the entire lower body, leaving you prone to injuries including Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprains and tears and iliotibial (IT) band syndrome.
    Protect your hips, knees and ankles by strengthening your glutes with hip thrusts, single leg dead lifts and weighted clam shells.

3. Improved athletic performance

  • The gluteus maximus is capable of generating an enormous amount of power. This power can be translated into sports-specific speed, acceleration, vertical distance, and endurance. Training the hips to extend powerfully and propel the body forwards is key to improving your ability to run, jump, and cycle faster, harder, and longer.
    Try adding in a day or two of lower body strength training on days when you’re not scheduled for a long run or cycle. And don’t forget to stretch and foam roll afterwards to maintain hip mobility and flexibility. My favorite love-to-hate hip opener? Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, the one-legged pigeon pose.

4. Increased bone density

  • Bone density peaks somewhere between 5 and 10 years after we reach skeletal maturity. Starting as early as age 30, old and damaged bone is resorbed faster than new bone is formed resulting in increased risk of osteopaenia (lower than normal bone density) and osteoporosis (a progressive bone disease).
    Exercises that place mechanical stress on the bones, including lower body weight training, running and some forms of yoga, can postpone and even reverse the effects of age-related bone-density loss. The earlier you start incorporating them in your training, the greater their potential benefits.

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