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How To Build Muscle

                                How To Build Muscle 

Hi reader , you are probably here because you are wondering on how to build muscle fast , or just building muscle on general , i persolny did ask this question long time ago , and i figured out how to do it , and now im sharing the information that i have to people for helping them , when i started i didn't have a solid informaion because of all the bullshit information we get from gym bros and internet , but since i figured out how to build muscle , i wanted to share it with others to help them and give solid information and cut the bullshit , so let's get to the topic and make sure to keep reading to make gains :)

*What you need to know about building muscle :

1-first of all you need to know that building muscle is simple don't complicate the things.
2-Patience: building muscle take time guy's , you will not add a 25 pounds (10kg) of muscle in 2 weeks or a month , it take time in your first year of your training you will probaly gain 15 to 20 pounds (7 to 9 kg ) of muscle in a year if you are natural , training naturally take time to build a lot of muscle , but don't let that discourage you because the result's worth the time you will spend ,so take your time and be patience and don't be that guy who want to look like the Rock in 2 weeks lol ....
3-constant: it's a key for building the muscle , you have to be constantly , like i said before it take time , if you want to be a doctor it will take you 7 years of education , building the body of your dream's will take years too , so being constant is un absolute must .

*Building muscle fast :

to build muscle faster you need the right workout programme for you and a good nutrition plan ,when it come to build muscle nutrition is key ,and rest is very important too ...

*Workout and programming :

-programming your workouts is very important in your muscle building journey , if you don't have a good workout programme it's just like you are trying to invest in the stock market without having money daah , so you need to follow a good programme and stick to it , don't change the programme every tow weeks or month , stick with it at least for 3 month's to see the result , find a programme that's works for you and your life style and don't copy the gym bro's ( arm day every day bro and skip leg day haha ) don't be that guy ar you will end up looking the same when you started .

*But how i can find a good workout programme?? :

-Good question , there is no direct one programme all people can follow , because every one is differnt and have different life style , intenet is full with information this days and you can find a planty of programme's if you spend some time on searching , i recommend 5x5 programme for beginners it's a programme who have been for a century and have been proven with the result , it's one of the programme's really work and have been done with a lot of bodybuilding gurus 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiFdhvsnW20 you can watch this video on 5x5 programme with buff dudes 
-and you can read this articel two on build mass programme https://www.bodybuilding.com/content/beginners-muscle-gain-program.html
-find a programme that's suit your life style and you enjoy doing it , what is the purpose if you are enjoying the programme , enjoying the programme is important and have fun with it , a good programme to build mass for me will be focuced on compound movements 80% compound , low reps 6 to 8 reps and more sets , and try to get stronger on compound's , and focus on progressive overload .

*What is progressive overload and how important is he for building muscle :

This principle involves continually increasing the demands on the musculoskeletal system to continually make gains in muscle size, strength, and endurance. Simply put, in order to get bigger and stronger, you must continually make your muscles work harder than they're used to. Most often, that means increasing the resistance, but as you'll find below, there are other methods to increasing the overload.
Conversely, if the demands on the target muscle groups are not at least maintained or are actually decreased, your muscles will atrophy, losing size and strength.
Progressive overload is a very simple but crucial concept, laying the foundation upon which successful resistance training is built.
And its really important for building muscle because you are challenging the muscle by increacing the resistance or more reps ... ext so it make the muscle grow .

*Nutrition :

-When it comes to build muscle mass or lossing fat , nutrition is always a key , to build muscle mass you need a good nutrition plan , you can't build muscle by eating like a bird or pizza every day , actully the human body don't build muscle in the gym it's outside of the gym when you are sleeping , in the gym you are breaking the muscle tissue which is very important to build muscle , and we recover the after the gym when you eat and sleep , so you need to eat well and good quality food with a good amount of protien ( 2g per 1kg of bodyweight , 1g per 1 pound of bodyweight ) 
-to build muscle you need to be in surplus , that mean you need to consume more calories than your body need about 300 to 500 calorie above your maintenance calorie intake , and you macros should be 40%protien 40%carbs 20%fat , eat clean good quality food to gain lean muscle mass fast and don't forget to eat food with vitamins they important for your health and joints .

*Rest :

-Rest is very necessary to build muscle , you need to take day's off the gym to recover , like i said before we build muscle outside of the gym , you need to rest and a good quality of sleep , to build muscle you need to recover from the damage you did to your muscle's and to recover you need to rest and a good sleeping ,without recovery you can't build muscle .

*Do you need supplement's??? :

-Supplement'saren't very necessary , if you are getting your macros from food you don't need them , we supplment the things that you don't get from food for example if you are not getting enough protien from your food so you supplment protien , but supplemnt's it still good to use them for better result especially this day's the food we are getting is lack for nutrients , there is a lot of bullshit supplment product , but there is some good supplement that's really work and will help you like:
-Vtamin D 
Thous are some of the good supplement's 
focus on a good food and don't waste your money on usless supplemnt's :)

Note: make sure to enjouy the journey to change you body and have fun , don't complicate the things , keep it simple and don't give up 

make sure to left a comment and if you like my blog make sure to follow me for more cheers :)

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