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Full body workout for beginner

Biginner full body workout :

-Are you new to the gym and you don't know what to do or you have been lifting for months and you aren't see rusalt ??? 
You are in the right place , just continue reading this post :) 

what you need to know ? 

-As a beginner in the gym you are probably don't know what do , how to programme , the right exercices ext... , but don't worry actually it's quite simple , you are making it tuff and overthinking 
actually as a beginner any think will work , your body isn't used to lift weight , so when you start lifting your body get confused and start react immediately and you start build muscle even if you programme isn't good , but the right programming will give better rusalt and faster ..

what programme you should follow ?

-Bro split , push pull legs , full body , upper lower ?? 
for a begginer full body programme is the way to go , like i sad any programme will probably work for a begginer , but i recomend full body because with full body you get better recovery for the less volume in one session , more frequency  , with full body you can train each muscle 3X times a week 
and it's scientifically proved that more frequency  grow muscle faster , not like the bro split when you train each muscle 1X time a week , -2 reason why full body is better for a beginner because you can't hold out a lot of volume per muscle group in one session , with bro split you will get a lot a volume per muscle group in one session and that's will effect your recovery , and a lot of bodybuilders did full body workout like Arnold , reg park , and steve reeves 

This is the legendery bodybuilder Steve Reeves who build his physique with full body 3X time   week only 

*How to structure full boy programme :
-you have 3 session that mean 3 wrokout a week 3X time a week 
-two wrorkouts , workout A and B ( first day you do workout A , next session you do workout B , and repeat )
-80% of your workout based on compound movement 
-6 sets for each muscle group 
-rest 1 to  2 min per set 

Now to the workouts:

Wrokout A :
-bench press 6 sets of 8 to 12 reps ( last two sets to failure )
-Overhead press 4x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Pull ups or latpulldown 6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Dips  4 sets of 8 to 12 reps ( last two sets to failure )
-Squat   6 sets of 8 to 12 reps ( last two sets to failure )
-calve raises  6 sets of 8 to 12 reps ( last two sets to failure )

Workout B :
-Squat 6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Deadlift 6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Barbel row  6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Incline bench press or DB 6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-DB Latreal raises 6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Triceps pushdown 4x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-Barbel curl 4x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )
-calve raises 6x8-12 ( last two sets to failure )

-Note's :
- As a begginer you focus on building the base physique first and your workout should be based on compound movment to build the base and the strenght , and after you build that based , start split your workouts more and envolve more exercices .
-don't lift too havey weight and not too light , pick up a weight that will chalnge you to do 8 to 12 reps .
-Stay on this programme for 3 months than you can change the workouts .
-To build muscle eat on surplus with high protien and sleep well .
-keep constant is the key .

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