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How to loss belly fat fast

-How to loss belly fat fast and easy for any age men and women 

 -So you want to loss belly fat and get those hard core abs and look amazing this post is totally for you just keep reading :)

-1- So first of all you need to know that losing fat is simple but not easy the hard part off losing fat is the discipline and the changes you have to make in order to loss fat , but don't get discourage when i say discipline it's simple you just need to remind yourself about your final goals.

-Basting some myths and misunderstanding about losing fat 

-1-You can't loss belly fat only ( spot fat reduction ) :

let me explain to you : the body loss fat at ones thats mean when you are losing body fat you are losing the fat in your whole body , you can't just loss fat from one area in your body , that how the body system work you can't focus on losing fat only on your belly or legs it's impossible  

-this is a list of scientific research on spot fat reduction :
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2...

-2-Training abs every singel day :

Okay training abs is important for developing the ab muscles but training them every day is not gonna make you loss the fat around it , training them 3 times a week is more than enough but you should not expect to see your abs just by training them 

-3- Doing a lot of cardio :

Now sure doing cardio is good for fat loss and will help , but doing a ton of cardio and eating a lot of crap food you are just wasting your time , cardio is a tool to help you burn extra calories and save you some food thats it ,you don't need to do a ton of cardio , your diet is the key to fat loss 

Note : cardio is good for your cardiovasculaire which will help your heart muscle to be healthy , so i advise to do cardio no matter if you are trying to loss or gain weight or even if you don't go to the gym 

-Now after basting some myths and what you should avoid when you are trying to loss fat , i will talk about what you should do :

-*Diet is the nm one to loss fat :

No matter what methods you are trying to do no matter how much cardio or abs crunch .. if your diet is not on point you are just wasting your time you will not loss any fat ...
To loss fat you need to be in the deficit : what the defict mean ?
Its simple thats mean you just need to eat less than your body need , i will expalin more :
your body need a sepecific amount of calories to do his daily work ( your calorie maintenance ) , if your body need for example a 2500 calories to do his daily work that mean you need to eat less than 2500 calorie to loss fat or weight , if you eat 2500 cl your weight will stay the same , and if you eat more than 2500 cl you will gain weight  
But how do i know how much calories i need ??
https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html , thats a,link to a calorie calculator , you put your stasts and it will show you how much calories you need daily, but it's not very accurate , the number it will give it to you try it and track you weight , if you are not gaining or losing weight that mean you are in your maintenance if you want to loss weight eat less than your calories maintenance , if you are gaining weight than mean you are in surpluse and if you are losing the weight you are in the deficit .

-*Track your calories :

Tracking your calories is important to loss fat easpecially losing fat fast , like i said you need to eat less than your maintenace to loss fat , so you should track how many calories you are putting in your mouth to be sure that you are in the deficit , it seems complicated right ?? not really ...
thats a link to a articel how to track your calories be sure to read it  .

-*Eat high protien :

-the suggestion amount of protien you should eat is 1.5 to 2 grams of protien per 1kg of body weight or ( 0.7 to 1.5 grams per 1 pound of body weight ) , eating high protien will prevents you from losing muscle mass and keep your motabolisme high .

-*Use cardio as a tool :

As i said before don't do to much cardio and burn your self out , but cardio will help you to loss fat faster and save you some calories to eat , do cardio 4 times a week on modern rate for 40 mins that more than enough , i suggest you to start with 15-20 mins of cardio than slowly increase the amount of cardio so your body don't adapt with it and the cardio will still effective .

-*Eat healthy food :

- you can loss weight by eating fast food and donuts but the amount will be limited and you will be hungry all day , plus its unhealthy and your body will get tired , so its better to eat healthy food , by eating healthy you will be able to eat a good amount of food and still in the deficit to loss fat , and keeping your body healthy , and you can still eat you favorite food but keep it a small size and track the calories , and eating healthy doesn't mean boring there is a planty of recipes you can do they are taste and healthy and calorie friendly , do your reaserch :)

-*Workout :

what ever you are going to the gym or doing calisthenics or workout at home , it doesn't matter , what it matter is working out , you can what you like football , swiming , tennis , name any sport or activity , just keep doing some thing make you moving , and i suggeste you to do some resistance training it can be with weight or your bodyweight only ( there is a plenty of bodyweight exercice for each muscle group , do your reserch ) to work the muscle to loss fat faster and shape your body to look aesthetically  better . 

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I hope you like this post and helped you to have more information about losing fat , if you like the post keep sure to subscribe to the blog , i will write more about this topic and more :)

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