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Top 5 reasons to start calisthenics

Top 5 reasons to start calisthenics
Calisthenics is a form of physical exercise which utilizes one’s own body weight for strength training. You don’t require any special equipment or weights, as your own body weight will be used as a resistance.
All you need is a wall, a floor and your own will power.
Calisthenics comprise of a wide range of gross motor man-oeuvres, often rhythmical .                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Do it Anywhere 
As simple as it sounds, it actually means that all you require is a floor to stand on and you can carry out with your workout just in any corner of your house. You do not need to make special arrangements in your house for your daily workout.
The only thing you’ll need in order to perform a full calisthenics workout is a bar in order to do pull-ups and dips from. And you can find bars pretty much anywhere you go, in the form of trees, in playgrounds etc.

2. Not Tough on Joints

Your joints will always be thankful to you for being so nice to them.
Intense strength training may sometimes be too harsh on the joints. Contrary to this, calisthenics are much easier on joints and will keep you away from any injuries, in case you have weak joints.

3. Develops Whole Body Strength

Calisthenics involve whole body movements; hence, it works on the muscles of the entire body and builds muscular strength. It leads to overall energy boosting, better body stamina and high mental concentration.When you workout using weights you are normally only using one muscle group at a time, and some of the smaller muscle groups are neglected.

4. Improved Muscle Co-ordination

The rhythmic movements involved, improve co-ordination among the body muscles and make the body active, reducing the response time of the reflex actions of the body.
Everything you do in calisthenics is how your body would move naturally, so it really helps to improve your overall muscle co-ordination and strength.

5. Greater Flexibility of the Body

Stiff muscles are a cause of multiple problems in the body. A flexible body will stay active and will not lose its mobility with age.
Aging will not show much effect on your day to day life. The bone mineral density will be maintained and the diseases of the bones and the joints, such as osteoporosis, can be prevented.
Note :
Calitheincs is a growing sport now and he is gaining more popularity , and he is formed with many exercices and the basics are pull up dips and push ups , but it's more than that , you can make the exercices more harder and there is a planty of exercices , and you can even add weight .
And i found calisthenics really fun to do , in the gym you can add more weight , in calisthenics you can make the exercices more harder ,you can learn new cool moves .

And yes you can go to the gym and do calisthenics too , for me i do them both , i enjoy doing them both .

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