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5 Benefits of doing pushups everyday

           5 Benefits of doing pushups everyday


 If your body is not used to doing push-ups, don't rush it. Start slowly, then gradually increase your efforts and repeat the exercise more frequently anduently.

Exercise is one of the best ways to burn a significant amount of calories, lose weight, and tone muscles for a perfect figure.

However, not all exercises are the same, and they do not all work every part of the body.

In a good daily routine, it is necessary to include the right combination of cardiovascular and strength exercises to work different areas of the body.

Luckily, the push-ups, which we are going to present to you, are "all-in-one" exercises that will bring various benefits to your body, without having to subject it to a strict daily routine.

While it is a good idea to combine them with other exercises, the push-ups alone can have a positive effect on your entire silhouette.

Push-ups strengthen your upper body.

By gradually increasing the amount of push-ups you do every day, you will noticeably increase the strength of your upper body, without having to lift pounds of dumbbells.

This exercise works the chest and the shoulders, thus developing the upper body to make it strong and firm. 

They work the abdominal muscles

Although push-ups are exercises that specifically work the upper body, they also strengthen other muscles if performed correctly.

By keeping your stomach straight during this exercise, you will stabilize your spine, while strengthening and toning your belly, without the need to do large amounts of abdominal exercises.

They rapidly increase the energy of the whole body.

Even if physical exercise may seem the worst way to remedy the general weakness of the body, a few push-ups a day will prove you wrong!

The movement they require improves circulation, builds up heat in the body, and makes the brain work more efficiently.

Their main advantage is that they can be done anywhere, to give us that energy boost we sometimes need. Without the use of energy boosting products.

They develop bone mass

As the body ages, bone mass decreases and bones become more fragile, increasing the risk of fracture.

Exercising with weights is essential to strengthen bones. But with push-ups, a similar benefit can be achieved.

By doing this comprehensive exercise, you will work different muscle groups in your body. Such as wrists and elbows, which helps to strengthen bones, while reducing the risk of injury.

They increase the metabolic rate

By flexing, the body will work different muscle groups at the same time, and will have to work harder to pump blood. As a result, breathing will accelerate.

This causes an increase in the metabolic rate. Which is one of the keys to losing weight easily, and to improving health.

In one move, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will work your cardio and your strength.

How to do arm bendings?

If you want to lose weight, and that motivates you to do push-ups, you certainly want to set up a daily routine.

If you want to build muscle mass, burn fat and improve your overall fitness, don't miss out on these tips that will help you do this exercise properly.

Lie on your stomach, face down on the floor. Join your feet together and put your weight on your chest.

Press the palms of your hands on the floor. The distance between your hands should be more or less equal to the distance between your shoulders.

Lift yourself up on the tips of your feet. Your toes should be flexed to allow you to keep your balance.

Lift your body using the strength of your arms. So that you feel your full weight on your hands and the tips of your feet. A straight line should run from your head to your heels.

Finally, bend your arms repeatedly, doing the same steps each time.

To begin, you can do as many push-ups as you like. But don't overdo it, especially if your body is not used to it.

As soon as you feel you need to rest, do it without hesitation. Do several sets in a row, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. 

Add two more push-ups each day. Even if it is necessary to rest at certain times to reach your goal.

In this way, you will reach an excellent state of fitness that will allow you to do several sessions a day.

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