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3 simple tips and methods to gain lean muscle

 on many years now, a well-built body with protruding muscles has been the ideal for many men. And the formula for obtaining the holy grail is quite simple in substance: gaining muscle volume while losing body fat. However, the practice is much more complex and requires knowledge, technique and a lot of determination.

On the subject of the taking of dry muscle theories abound and many schools clash. Some opt for a maximum muscle gain followed by a period of dryness to lose fat. Others, on the other hand, opt for an approach combining the two objectives within a single dynamic. It is to this strategy that we will devote this article. How can you gain muscle, therefore gain weight without necessarily gaining fat? Here are some simple and effective methods and tips to achieve this.

Controlling weight gain to gain dry muscle

The control of the weight gain is a dry bodybuilding technique as well adapted to the amateurs as to the most seasoned bodybuilders. However, it is important to know that this method is much more suitable for those who have a dry tendency morphology. But in the end, there is no miracle solution. To increase the volume of the muscles, they must be solicited through a consequent physical effort.

The objective is then to gain muscle mass while limiting the gain of fat mass. According to the nutritionist Hugo Blanc of Sagessesanté magazine, having a fat mass rate that is too high or too low can be harmful to health. This means that we must be careful to keep a normal rate. In general, a healthy woman should have between 20 and 32% fat mass while a man should have an average of between 15 and 20%, or even more according to some authors.

In the same vein, several testimonials mention the difficulty experienced by people with a dry constitution (a fat mass of less than 20%) to gain weight. Their muscles often have clean lines and are very powerful, but rarely voluminous. For people with this profile, it is generally advisable to increase the usual calorie intake to up to 500 calories.

A cardio workout integrated with weight training sessions can also help achieve the goal by burning excess calories.

Healthy Eating

Adopt a specific diet to acquire dry muscle

The technique of taking dry muscle through dieting is particularly aimed at athletes who have stopped their activity and who have a fat mass greater than 30%. With this rate, it is advisable to favor the loss of excess fat before working the muscles. In general, this method is carried out in two distinct phases, namely:

The adoption of the diet

At this stage, the main objective is to get rid of excess fat. It can last from a few weeks to several months depending on the individual. It is a simple process that mainly aims to gradually reduce calorie intake. In some cases, however, it is possible to modify the distribution of macros so that the diet corresponds more precisely to the needs and expectations of the individual.

Muscle mass gain

After the loss of a satisfactory level of fat mass, it is time to move on to building muscle mass. To do this, simply increase the energy intake by a few hundred calories and perform several weight-training sessions.

Make a dry one after a rapid mass gain

This process of taking dry muscle is particularly suitable for professional athletes. In general, it takes place in two steps such as the adoption of a special "dry muscle intake" diet.

In the first step, the mass must be increased without worrying about fat accumulation. This phase can last between two to three months. The ideal would then be to privilege the intake of essential nutrients in order to optimize muscle anabolism.

In the second stage, called the dry period, half of the gained mass must be lost. The body has stored more fat than muscle during the first phase. It then becomes essential to follow a diet adapted to specific muscle-building exercises in order to eliminate fat without losing muscle. Indeed, this practice allows to consolidate the muscles gained and to draw them.

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