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In sport, strength is the ability to overcome or withstand external resistance through muscular tension. Basically, it is the expression of the tension you are able to put into your muscles. So it's not the size of your arm circumference (that's volume), nor the number that the boxing machine at the carnival indicates after you hit it with 5 meters of momentum (that's power).


There are many methods, but let's look at the best known: Increase your muscular strength.


The work method most used until now consists of doing heavy weight training with loads that allow you to do 1 to 5 repetitions maximum of your movement. As for any method aiming at increasing the maximum strength, you will have to respect a consequent rest (around 5') between each repetition in order to recover the nervous influx that you have put at risk by your previous series. If you don't do this, you will work with a pre-fatigue that will force you to unload (so you are no longer on max values) or will push you to failure (so you don't work at all). Don't worry, an active recovery is possible (but don't force too much, it's still recovery!).  


One method that has proven itself and is beginning to make itself known is that of tempo variation. You will find all the details of this method in Olivier Bolliet's essential book "Modern approach to the development of strength" published by 4Trainer. I ENORMALLY use this method, which has the definite advantage of sparing the joints and presents fewer logistical constraints. Increasing muscular strength - physical preparation, nutrition, sports coaching, reathletization Basically what it is: - We can see that the positive effects of "heavy" training on strength are due more to the time during which your muscles are put under tension than to the weight itself (even if it is because of it that your muscles take time to perform the movement). - Therefore, we tell ourselves that if we put less weight (in a calculated way) but slow down the time of execution of the movement voluntarily, we will obtain similar results. - You then put yourself under your squat bar which you unload but force yourself to go down to the bottom in 3 or 4 seconds. You still get back up as quickly as possible because you want to improve your nerve discharge to increase your strength. - Between the descent and the ascent, your movement took as much time as when you put all the discs in the room on your bar without asking yourself any questions, but with less soreness for your joints. - You spend the rest of the day wanting to sleep, a sign that you have worked on the nervous factors, you repeat and you gain strength in the same way! Increase your muscular strength


The volume is not a sign of strength, I can never say it enough, but the intelligently constructed muscle mass brings on the other hand a gain in strength. This is called functional hypertrophy: you increase the size and weight of your muscles and on top of that you gain strength, isn't that great?   Be careful not to confuse everything: - Muscle volume can be obtained without or with little weight gain. In this case, you develop the connective envelopes of your muscles, you draw them for the beach but your strength and weight does not move. - Muscle mass also creates volume and draws the muscles, but for this it does not develop the envelopes but the muscle material itself (the size of the contractile fibers increases). Basically, it's like leading a battalion and adding 70 men in uniform to your ranks to increase the size of the group and frighten the enemies. - When the massing is done in a way that emphasizes functional movement, the motor units created are not merely figurative, but are directly operational and work on movement by adding their efforts to the pre-existing ones. There, you then increase your force in addition to your mass. It's as if you were adding not 70 men in uniform but 70 trained soldiers to your battalion: they are no longer mere figuration, they are fighting alongside their elders!   From the point of view of functional hypertrophy, this time you will be on charges allowing series of 6 to 10 rehearsals (or on tempo variations causing the same adaptations!). Increase your muscular strength


If you have the right mind, you can also increase your strength by exhausting yourself!   Let me explain: When you make an effort, only certain fibers of your muscles contract. Once these fibers are exhausted, you rest a little and you repeat your effort by working those same fibers. When you are exhausted and these fibers will no longer contract (it can take a long time depending on the exercise and your level of sport) then your muscle will go looking for new motor units and even new fibers that it rarely uses, a bit like when you haven't done the shopping and you're banging on last resort cans! Training fibres that are used to resting stimulates them strongly and causes a direct return. They will progress quickly and increase your physical strength. It's like a sedentary person who takes up sport, the first results are quickly visible! Some theories even say that the body would create new fibers in such situations, when it finds itself with its back to the wall with exhausted muscles and the paradoxical order to keep on forcing!   There you have it, you know 4 common methods of developing your physical strength. It's up to you to choose the one you like the most!

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